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This document describes version 4 of the websocket API. Any earlier version is unsupported and may be withdrawn at any time.

Base URL

Default: wss://

Nasdaq Indices: wss://


This API requires users to specify an API key. This key can be obtained by contacting CF Benchmarks for a license.

If connecting using Javascript, assuming the key username is 'abc' and the key password is '123', you would connect by specifying the protocol as the array ['cfb', 'abc', '123'].

Some language APIs require the key to be specified in the websocket request header. In this case you would provide the username and key in the request header with a header field of the form Authorization: Basic <credentials> where credentials is the Base64 encoding of the username and key joined by a single colon ':'.

Numeric values

Numeric values may use scientific notation if an exponent is needed.